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Style, beauty and lifestyle blog


Filtering by Category: health & wellness



tumblr_lydm98pesx1qlwaf2What a weekend.  It came so fast and then finished even faster.  I accomplished very little.  I did take some photos of my gals for our Christmas card and practically froze in the process.  There has got to be something that I can do to get through this cold.  Any ideas?

tumblr_mvlhdvR53z1qcfbcdo1_500Every year I try to line up stuff to do during the winter and every year, the cold keeps me inside.  Even though we're about to get sub-zero temps, I'm sure some of you still go out there and get after it.  How do you do it?  How do you motivate yourself to go outside when everything is saying stay in?  I'd love to know what your guys have to say about the cold.  Until then, stay warm.



the fresh perspective...


Winter is coming tumblr_m91x63WYaD1rszhtyo2_500We're almost there folks.  Almost submerged in the freezer-like winter.  What have you done to prepare yourself for this?  Did you pull out all your winter clothes?  Did you dig out that toque?  I have just purchased some waterproof winter gloves.  This is different for me  because I'm a leather glove kinda lady.  Apart from being a leather glove kinda lady, I also loathe the cold.  The leather, simply isn't cutting it anymore.  It isn't warm enough and they stiffen in the extreme cold.

winter_background_1_by_kuoma_stock-d5nvzlrWhile we are all going to be thinking of ways to keep our bodies warm while looking stylish in a parka, let us not forget about our hair, skin, and nails.  The temperatures we're about to face can be really damaging to our hair, skin, and nails trio.  Are you prepared?  Got your cuticle oil already? How about a hair treatment to do every two weeks while the snow falls?  Maybe a once a month scrub down with a body scrub?  Don't forget about our trio being exposed to the temperatures and winds.  Prepare yourself.  Get ready.  That's the fresh perspective...

the fresh perspective...


Middle times Are you in a hair rut?  Same cut, same color, same/same/same?  The time is now to make some changes to your lovely locks.  November is here.  The cold is looming.  Maybe a few good inches off your length will take care of the dry bits you ombréd all summer.  That length you've been dragging around for months may need a pick me up coming into the winter season.

A hot length this winter is the mid-length.  Kinda long, kinda thick and kinda blunt.  This middle length is good for scarves and will perk up any winter hat.  Think about it.  You wanna try it, you know who you are.  That's the fresh perspective...

168g9zd tumblr_mv6az0vn0G1qeckcno1_500 **Be sure to stock up on leave-ins and treatments this month.  Start protecting your hair now, before it's too frigid.**


the fresh perspective...


The Freshest Ladies DSCN0583The salon has went through, and is going through, changes.  We have expanded, I had a baby, we'll be hiring for two positions... It's been a while since I had posted anything and it's funny how much I missed writing.

IMG_0168There was so much that I thought I would want to say for this first entry back, but I think I just want to thank the ladies I work with.  They have all played a very important role in their own ways during the past two months.

DSCN0580I'm grateful that I work with women who understand the type of business I want to run and they do what they can to enhance the experience for all the clients.  I appreciate each and every one of these ladies and I know that all the goodness and changes that Freshair Boutique has went through wouldn't have been possible without these 7 ladies.

Christie, **Chloe, Amy, **Heather, Andrée, **Tessa and **Olivia, thanks girls!  That's the fresh perspective...

**Not pictured.


the fresh perspective...


The Pencil Skirt Anatomy-of-the-Pencil-SkirtMaybe it's because I saw some leaves on the ground or maybe it's cause I've been binge watching SUITS.  Fall is coming and the pencil skirt is... Well, the pencil skirt is so sexy, feminine and practical.  Most body types can work this skirt but depending on your physique you may need to ALWAYS wear heels to make the look complete.

tumblr_inline_mksw0b0hMU1qdnwykThe image above is a lady without heels but because of her body type, it works.  If you're a little thick in the middle or very short stemmed, the sneakers may not be the best way to go.  If you have a very small waist and some curves, then the pencil skirt can work to your advantage.  The image below has the skirt belted to show how sleek this look can be and to highlight the smallness of her waist.

tumblr_lzm8o4yja91rn071mo1_500August is almost over and while you're thinking of your new fall hair, what about your new fall wardrobe?  You the pencil skirt type?  Would you ever try one?  As fast as the summer started, it's almost done and as someone who ADORES the hot sun, I love fall.  I love layers and sweaters and wool.  I love boots and toques and vests.  As soon as I can get my baby belly under control I'm going to purchase a few pencil skirts to add to my fall wardrobe and channel my inner Jessica Pearson...  That's the fresh perspective...

the fresh perspective...


Tenacious Talons: Brought to You by Priti NYC's Nail Strengthener

Summer is a season of growth. The sun is full and bright in the sky, vitamin D is a-plenty, and our bodies soak it up like sun-starved cave dwellers. I find that my nails grow faster in the summer, but not stronger, so I've been testing out Priti NYC's nail strengthener to help with that. It is Formaldehyde-free, easy to apply, and quick drying. Priti recommends using it as a base coat under your favorite polish, so I gave it a try under a really beautiful greeny-blue called Water Dragon. The polish adhered really well to it and my nails feel great!

nail-strengthener (from freshboutique)

Processed with VSCOcam with f2 preset

You can find more info about Priti NYC here:

Happy Saturday!